We are special dealing in design, production, import and export of the textiles and jacquard. 我公司是一家专门从事家用纺织品及提花面料的设计、生产和出口的专业公司。
The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade may also authorize the special trade commissioner offices stationed in the principal ports to issue import licences within a prescribed scope. 对外经济贸易部也可以授权派驻主要口岸的特派员办事处,在规定的范围内签发进口货物许可证。
But, for the moment, it will be hard for us steel companies to use existing law to bring "anti-dumping" actions, which impose special import duties on companies deemed to be unfairly charging lower prices in their export markets than at home. 但就目前而言,美国钢铁公司难以利用现行法律采取“反倾销”行动,即倘若认定企业在出口市场收取的价格低于国内市场,则将对实施这种不公平行为的企业征收特别进口关税。
We adopt special lift technology; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility. 我们采用特殊的升降技术,精选进口高速轴承,赋予产品轻巧与灵活。
This year our government has adopted a special licence system for the import of textiles, including silk goods. 今年,我们政府对纺织品包括丝绸的进口采取了特种许可证。
The special device can realize product localization, and the cost is low, thereby replacing the import equal product and saving great amount of money for the country. 本实用新型实现产品国产化,造价低,替代进口同等产品,为国家节省了大量资金。
Through the special economic zones we can import foreign technology, obtain knowledge and learn management, which is also a kind of knowledge. 从特区可以引进技术,获得知识,学到管理,管理也是知识。
What is so special about people hurt by import competition? 为何对受到进口竞争损害的那些人如此特殊呢?
The customs carries out declaration formalities by Automatic Import License with an affixed special seal for automatic import license. 海关凭加盖自动进口许可证专用章的《自动进口许可证》办理验放手续。
Circular of the State Administration of Taxation of the People's Republic of China, on Issues Concerning Strengthening the Administration of Special Payment Books of Customs Import VAT and that of the Invoice of Waste and Outdated Materials 国家税务总局关于加强海关进口增值税专用缴款书和废旧物资发票管理有关问题的通知
These special terms and conditions are made in accordance with the two directions of import and export as well as the logistics route and logistics program. 按照进口与出口两个方向,根据物流路线段和物流项目,拟就本专用条款。
And because the very poorest countries in the world already have special access to the markets of the rich world, the value of which would be reduced by a general cut in import tariffs, they might actually lose out as a result of a deal. 由于世界上最穷国家已获得进入富国市场的特别待遇,进口关税全面下调将会减少这一待遇的价值,实际上,这些国家可能会由于多哈协议而失败。
If it is unable to complete the inspection within the time limit for special drugs or under special circumstances, it may extend the time limit reasonably, and shall notify the import entity and port drug administration. 特殊品种或者特殊情况不能按时完成检验时,可以适当延长检验期限,并通知进口单位和口岸药品监督管理局。
Special import automatic pump has been used in condensed water transportation. 采用进口专用凝结水自动泵输送凝结水。
The result indicated that property of this special materials and its vacuum aluminum plating film could be matched with import products. 结果表明,该专用料及用其制成的真空镀铝复合膜的性能与进口产品相当。
The results showed the film-forming performance of the special resin can meet the standards of similar import products. 结果表明,该技术生产的专用料成膜性与进口料相当,指标全部合格,可以进行规模化生产。
The special feature of the Agreement is that it is only a procedural regulation and becomes an effective part of the regulation mechanism concerning the Import Licensing System by combining with the substantial rules in other WTO agreements. 《进口许可程序协议》的规范角度很特别,仅着眼于程序本身,并以此与WTO其他协议中的实体规则相结合,从而形成对进口许可制度的有效调整机制。
The performance of special lubricating oil for gas engine was improved by nano copper powder, which was prepared by plasma method, which achieve the level of relevant import products. 本文还应用等离子体法制备的纳米Cu粉改性内燃机专用润滑油,达到进口润滑油添加剂的抗磨减摩水平。
This section outlines the key procedures and settlement of special problems in import of goods for Pinghu project. 简要阐述了在平湖工程项目中货物进口的一些关键程序及注意事项。
Because XML and the related technology are developing and mature, and XML has special advantages, so it is significant to import XML to research heterogeneous data integration. 由于XML及其相关技术的发展和成熟,再加上XML自身所具有的独特优势,因此引入XML研究异构数据集成,具有重要的意义。
The rapid development of international trade requires to foster modern special import and export talents with stronger practical ability, but traditional single teaching way makes theory and practice disconnected with each other. 入世后,国际贸易的迅速发展要求培养出具有较强实践能力的现代进出口贸易专门人才,而传统的单一教学方式使理论与实践严重脱节。
It is its special nature of providing financial services for low-income groups that makes micro-credit play an import role in helping the disadvantaged groups out of poverty and become an integral part of the inclusive financial system. 它独特的专门针对低收入群体提供金融服务的性质,使其在帮助国家贫困群体摆脱贫困中具有不可低估的作用,成为普惠金融体系的有机组成部分之一。
This product can replace the special import detergent used in domestic major and medium cities, the effect is similar but the cost is low compared to the import product. It has broad market prospect. 该项目产品可以替代目前国内大中城市使用的进口专用清洗剂,清洁效果与之基本相似而成本却较之低廉很多,市场前景广阔。
Citizen journalism means the non-professional journalists ( and anyone else) could use the mass media and personal communication tools to collect or publish recent special and important information in order to guide public concern, and then import the depth reports of the traditional media. 公民新闻指非专业新闻工作者(而且可以是任何人)通过大众媒介和个人通讯工具,搜集、发布新近发生的特殊的、重要的信息,以引导公众关注,进而导入传统媒体的深度跟踪报道。